Thursday, 29 July 2010

Rethinking Mind Illusion in San Diego

The last destination before returning to LA for the last 10 days, San Diego is friendly, inviting, and, being so close to the Mexican border, the weather is perfect for sitting in the park and thinking.

I've spent a lot of time researching 'psychics', and the scientific studies into such claims. Recently I've had a rush of enthusiasm for science and reason, and have had to rethink what I do, and my role in such things. I'm currently reworking my show to be presented in a more open and honest way, free of any magical notions, and informative on the realities of the 'supernatural'.

The feats that 'psychics' perform, and the way they are presented, are wonderfully compelling and if done well can feel like real magic. But those performing them are, at best, deceivers. Perhaps harmless enough if they're bending spoons, but dangerous and cruel if they're creating messages from grieving people's loved ones, or flogging non-medicines instead of real cures.
Pseudoscience is buoyed by the entirely convincing tricks touted by 'psychics' as evidence of the supernatural.

I want no part in creating an environment where such things are allowed to flourish. So many times after a show, someone will approach me and congratulate me on my 'gift', not having grasped the theatrical nature of the performance.

To me, these illusions are brilliant, exciting pieces of art - I think they can be honest and informative too. Let's see...

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